Our Journey to Jackie – 2.19.2015 and 2.25.2015

February 19, 2015

I know I said that Jack and I were going to wait until March to start trying for a baby… but we are trying now. Most of the research I have done states that it typically takes around 3 months for couples to get pregnant… so we are trying! Besides that, to be completely honest, Jack was not too excited about waiting anyway… it was a compromise between the two of us. Jack is right… we really shouldn’t put our lives on hold.

I am really enjoying the books that Jack and I purchased! I especially enjoy my “Vagina Bible”, that’s what I call, “Taking Charge of your Fertility”. This book should seriously be given to every young woman. It is so much more than how to get pregnant. It helps you to understand your female body… I know things now that I would have gone through life not knowing and it’s really empowering!

It’s been awhile since my last entry so I will try to catch up here. Of friend of mine and I are now a part of a “pregnant pact”! And honestly it was the best decision I made to start talking to her about Jack and I  “trying”. The last thing Jack really wants to hear about is Cervical Mucus. Jack agrees that he is happy that I have another female to talk to.

I started taking my waking temperature this morning… we shall see how long this lasts. Implementing new things to my daily tasks is a task in it of itself.

Jack and I had a conversation last night regarding “my future”. It entailed, finding a better paying job, getting a raise, and when to do it. With wanting to get pregnant in the near future I am holding off until after the baby is born… who knows maybe I will fall in love and never want to go back to work again.

February 25, 2015

As I search on Pinterest concerning ovulation signs… I am pretty sure I am ovulating today. So of course I sent a sexy text message to my Husband, “I think I am ovulating”. I can’t help but to be excited and search fun ways to tell family members we are pregnant! I know I am getting ahead of myself again but I just can’t help it! Jack told me he doesn’t want to be told in a fun way, he just wants me to yell out of the bathroom that the pee stick says positive. I just don’t know if I can do that! I want to tell him in a fun way, so my idea today that I have thought of… we both need to get new glasses. I could have someone take my phone and video tape as we look through new frames, then I will hold up a pair of baby frames and ask him what he thinks!


We love you!
#ourjackofhearts #angelmommy