Our Journey to Jackie – 1.12.2016-1.25.2016 Little Bear

January 12, 2016

Woke up to pee at 6am. Very thirsty, little cramping, boobs feel bigger, stuffy nose. I am very distracted. All I can think about is this little cub growing inside my belly!!

January 13, 2016

If my calculations are correct I am about 5 weeks. I have my first doctors appointment with the nurse and midwife Wednesday next week. I am beyond excited! Your papa bear has already begun work on the nursery and we have decided not to find out the sex. I am currently experiencing bloating, sore boobs, food aversions, and fatigue.

January 15, 2016

Sore boobs, not as bloated, feeling a little nauseous in the am.

January 17, 2016

I am getting nervous for my doctor appointment. Not having many symptoms…Nervous to find out anything bad.

January 18, 2016

Doctor appointment was good. I have a bigger uterus…Meaning there is something in there! They took my blood and will call if my lab comes back irregular. Scheduled our first ultrasound for February 10th!

January 25, 2016

Bear is the size of a blueberry!!! Bear is what I have started to call our baby 🙂

I missed a call from the doctors office and need to call them back tomorrow. This means they found something in my tests…The pharmacy called this evening, they are ordering me progesterone. My levels must be low…I am very nervous.

We love you Bear!
