January 26, 2016
Today has been an emotional day. Woke up to abdominal pain and bleeding. Called the emergency doctor line and she recommended we go to the ER for examination. We got there at 8am and were there until 11. They took blood, took me in for a vaginal ultrasound, and took vitals. Baby is still there, threatened miscarriage. I have had abdominal pain for hours mild to moderate pain. I passed a blood clot at the ER and another here at home at 3:00pm. It is now 3:15pm. Another clot at 7pm. Still having abdominal pain. Pharmacy called my progesterone is in.
January 27, 2016
Temp is still up, that is a good sign. Abdominal pain was fine until I woke up…it’s still there. It doesn’t feel like cramps today…it feels like my stomach. Hard to tell. Still bleeding, passed a very large clot this morning at 6:30am. I just don’t understand…
Having awful poop pains and having a hard time passing my poop. Boobs are sensitive. 10:30 am passed another clot. Cramps are getting more painful, even with taking Tylenol. 3:00pm clot with clear mucus…by 5:30 pm no clot, cramps are subsiding, feeling better. Blood draw tomorrow…hoping for good news.
January 28, 2016
Went in for my blood test this morning. Heard back from the doc at 11:50am…we lost the baby.
We love you Bear!