I was having a hard time with this prompt this morning so I decided to go to the event webpage and browse what other bereaved moms were saying, painting, singing, dancing…about colour. I found an image that was uploaded by Jacqui Hellyer, along with this image the words…the colour is coming back. The image was yarn in a spiral…in the middle were bright vibrant colors all mixed together…surrounded by solid black…another ring of white mixed with color here and there surrounded the black…followed by a final ring of subtle colors mixing together. It hit me! Yes…that is my life depicted by yarn! What a beautiful illustration. I have always been one of those see and doers…pictures have always been in aid in my learning throughout my life but I have forgotten how powerful color is. Here is Jacqui’s photo that she posted, and keep in mind I do not know this mom so hopefully she doesn’t mind that I have used her post as inspiration today.
So simple and yet so very powerful. This reminds of a project that I worked on in High School. We were asked to use colors to depict our life. I choose my colors with great sensitivity…each one represented highs and lows of my life at that time. Colour is very powerful…just look at Jacqui’s yarn…you can feel it…I can feel it. Before the loss her kiddo her world was bright and magical…then the darkness set in…followed by a haze with moments of normal…and now she is walking the path of her new-normal, finding happiness once again. She will never be that woman she was, her world may never be that colorful again…but she has survived the storm.
I also very much enjoy that this image reminds me of a tree…here I go again talking about trees…But think about it, each ring inside of a tree stump is a year of growth…a year of storms, sun, and windy days. Some would say these rings tell a story just a powerful as Jacqui’s yarn.
I may have had trouble with this prompt today but I am so grateful for the journey that Jacqui’s photo has taken me on. A reminder that color has power to describe your journey…thank you Jacqui.
We love you!
#mayweallheal #mwah2017 #ourjackofhearts #thisoneisforJackie