Extensive Genetic Test Results

I received our phone call from our Genetic team on Friday May 12th in the afternoon. Jackie’s results came back. I was shocked to hear from them, especially since I wasn’t expecting a call until June. I just assumed it would be late June to July before we heard from them so it was a pleasant surprise. I wrote about my feelings toward this test in my blog on March 31st, titled Autopsy Results. I had stated that on one hand I would like the genetic test to come back positive so that we would at least have an explanation as to why…but on the other I would like the test to come back negative so that our next kiddo/s would have a less than 1% chance for recurrence. I knew then and I still know that I cannot have both.

With that said, the results came back negative. We did not pass this to our son, we are not the cause. This result of course comes with many different emotions. On one hand I was sad because we don’t have our answer…we don’t know why…and may never know why. But on the other hand this result came with relief and positivism for our future. We are choosing to see this result in a positive light and to not let the sadness of not having an answer overshadow what greatness this results means for our future. As I stated above I was well aware that I could not have both outcomes. Our next child/ children will have a less than 1% chance of having the complications that Jackie had.

Our genetic team will be sending us the report along with a written summary for our records. The team also mentioned that there were two genes that were mutated. Both of which were not the cause of Jackie’s conditions. There are some overlapping symptoms/conditions with one of the gene mutations, however Jackie was a carrier of this mutation, he was not affected by it. The other gene mutation was random and mutated during the combining of the sperm and the egg.

His blood will be kept for 20 years and we can have this test ran again in 2-3 years for no charge. If we wish to have the test ran past the 3 year mark we will be paying out-of-pocket. Medical advances are daily, I wonder what or if they will discover anything different in a few years…only time will tell.

This we know to be true…Jackie has a purpose…a larger calling in this life. He was here for a reason. I may not like or agree with it but there is always a reason…maybe one day we will know what that reason is.

We love you Jackie!

#chdawareness #mysoniswatching #ourjackofhearts #angelmommy