May We All Heal 2017 – Day 31


Today may be the last day of this part of my healing journey…but it is certainly not the end.

“The Shack is a movie where after suffering a family tragedy, Mack Phillips spirals into a deep depression causing him to question his innermost beliefs. Facing a crisis of faith, he receives a mysterious letter urging him to an abandoned shack in the Oregon wilderness. Despite his doubts, Mack journeys to the shack and encounters an enigmatic trio of strangers led by a woman named Papa. Through this meeting, Mack finds important truths that will transform his understanding of his tragedy and change his life forever.”

I don’t want to give away the book or this movie if anyone is interested in watching or reading them so I will do my best to stay vague. I  do however highly recommend this movie. Jack and I decided to watch it over the weekend…we knew going in to it that we would most likely need many tissues. I really enjoyed how the movie spoke about Papa, God, regarding evil in the world. And how to forgive.

The Dad, Mack, was struggling with demons after the family tragedy. Actually, so was his oldest daughter. “Pain has a way of twisting itself inside.” There is a moment in the movie where Mack is asked to choose from his oldest daughter and his son who out of the two should go to hell. He could not choose between them and asked that he go in their place…the message behind this moment was that God cannot choose from any of his children to go to hell…no matter what evils they have done on this Earth…he wants to redeem them, everything has consequences, trust God to do what is right and what is best. Evil and pain are unfortunate things that we journey through during our lives…the message that Mack receives is that God loves him…God wants him to forgive…God wants him to love and to help to guide his daughter through her demons that she is facing…and that God is with him every step of the way. “You’re not stuck because you can’t, you’re stuck because you won’t.” God cannot stop evil but he can be with us every step of the way. When all we see is our pain, we lose sight of him. “Love always leaves a mark.”

I think both Jack and I took something away from this movie. It is certainty a tear jerkier but it’s worth the box of tissues that you will go through.

None of us know what the future holds…but we can cling to hope. Hope is what keeps us going on a daily basis…well, hope and caffeine. We are hopeful for our future. And for now, we will take one day at at time. We will be kind and gentle to ourselves and those around us. “Life takes a bit of time and a lot of relationship.” Today and everyday after we will continue to love and continue to forgive.

I don’t know where you’re going but I’ll meet you there

I can’t blame you for leaving but it’s still not fair

And when I don’t know what to sing

I’d sing about you

We love you!

#mayweallheal #mwah2017 angelmommy