Our Journey to Jackie – 10.7.2016

October 7, 2016 Mommy had to drink a delicious drink to see if she has gestational diabetes. No news was good news…or so she thought.…

NICU Mamas Stick Together

I had breakfast yesterday with a fellow NICU Mama who’s kiddo is in the NICU at Cardinal Glennon. We shared a wonderful morning together strung…

How Does A Moment Last Forever

If you haven’t heard Celine Dion’s song, “How Does A Moment Last Forever” it is worth the listen. Here are the lyrics that I am…

Father’s Day

I am finding that Father’s Day is hitting my emotions must harder than Mother’s Day, ironically enough. I believe this to be because of my…

Our Journey to Jackie – 9.26.2016

September 26, 2016 Another stable appointment. We were able to get a few great ultrasound pictures for your Great Grandma’s 84th Birthday! We love you…