Our Journey to Jackie – 8.23.2016 ECHO

August 23, 2016

Yesterday was a trying day for your Mom and Dad. We had your appointment in Shiloh at St. Mary’s. After the high risk doctor viewed the sonograms he concluded that you have fluid around your heart and thickened walls. He recommend that we be seen by a specialist at Cardinal Glennon. Your Aunt Jamie came with us for support and to take notes. We saw many specialist including a cardiologist for an ECHO, genetic counselor, social worker, and the Director of Fetal Care Institute. Your current diagnosis is pericardial effusion of unknown etiology.

In summary: The aorta is hard to see. They can see the beginning by can’t see its connection to the heart. We will have another ECHO in four weeks when you are bigger. Hopefully they will be able to see the completion to rule that out. They aren’t sure what the fluid is from. Normally there is around 2 ML around your organs, but you have double that amount. Possible reasons are infection, genetic abnormality, physical abnormality, and unknown. Of course the thickened walls are a concern however the fluid seems to be the main concern. We will be going weekly to have a sonograms to check the status of the fluid. Next week we go back to see the Director again, Dr. Mike. We have the best team working with us. Mommy is doing her best to remain calm and to have faith. I love you so much Jackie.

Aunt Jamie’s Notes


Aorta is hard to see

We can see the blood coming out but can’t see it where it connects (cardiac interruption)

Just can’t see tidy bc it’s too small

They can see thickness on the right side

Left side looks okay

Can see fluid – don’t really know

Could be stress related or something else

(mom autoimmune or something)

See them in a month to see how it looks

Rhythm is normal, heart is stressed

This is more than they normally see

Thickness could be stress related also

Right side majority of work

Another ECHO in four weeks

No explanation right now


Four possible reasons

Infection, Genetic abnormality, Physical abnormality, Unknown

Scans every week to see if aorta has full connection to heart

We love you Jackie!
