I am finding that Father’s Day is hitting my emotions must harder than Mother’s Day, ironically enough. I believe this to be because of my love for my husband. We are walking this grief journey together, and though together our journeys are both very different. It pains me when I see the pain in my husbands eyes or I can feel it in his speech. He is not one to share his emotions often, but if you look hard enough you can see it…you can feel it. My heart hurts for him. He has wanted to be a father for years. Yes, he is a father…however…this is different. This is not the Father’s Day weekend that I dreamt of for him and I know it is not what he dreamt of either…that is what hurts me the most.
Jack’s sister and I have a little something planned for him in the morning on Sunday. I am hopeful that he will embrace this celebration of Jackie’s life and that he will feel honored as a father. He deserves to feel loved and honored on this Father’s Day. I cannot think of anyone more deserving.
We love you Jackie and Bear!
#ourjackofhearts #sendyourdadheartsonsunday