I just pulled myself together after UGLY crying for about a half an hour. I was crying due to a beautiful contribution that was awarded to Gateway Pet Guardians from the Petco Foundation Holiday Wishes Campaign.
I was introduced to Eliza and Cora’s story on October 6th when Gateway posted the following post on their Facebook page. (This has been edited for this post.)
The rescue world sees all kinds of animals on intake. Some are happy, some are sad. Some are thankful, some are fearful. Some are good; some have behavior we need to correct. Some are healthy, and some are like Cora whose story will surely tug at your heart-strings. We don’t know where she had been in her short 8 weeks of existence but Gateway Pet Guardians found her alone, on a cold day late in January, in a wooded area in East St Louis.
Her first visit to the veterinarian revealed that there was trouble with this adorable puppy’s heart. A murmur was detected, further testing was done and Cora was diagnosed with severe Aortic Stenosis. Life saving heart surgery will be necessary for her to survive. She was appropriately named Cora (short for Corazon which is Spanish for heart). Cora was fitted with a heart monitor that she will wear until her surgery can be performed in October. Doctors at Veterinary Specialty Services (VSS) advised us to wait until her heart is fully developed before the operation. Gateway Pet Guardians not only has incredible pets. Our people are incredible as well. When our volunteer, Eliza, heard Corazon’s story she knew immediately that they had to meet. Cora was in a wonderful foster home and a meeting was arranged. There was an instant connection between these two souls. Eliza already had 5 heart surgeries herself.
Normally, Gateway Pet Guardians delays official adoptions until all of the current health needs of our pets are met. Sometimes rules are broken. Corazon’s condition is very serious, so serious that she may not have lived to surgery day. GPG and Eliza agreed that we could make it official in this case. Eliza couldn’t bear the thought of her passing and not having an official home. Neither could we.We found the appropriate name and we found a perfect home for Cora.
I instantly felt a connection to Eliza and Cora and have followed Cora’s Journey from that day on. I never met Cora nor have I met Eliza but that doesn’t matter. The fact is that Cora had a heart condition, it may have differed from Jackie’s and she may have been a pup but that didn’t take away the strong feelings that overcame me the first day I read her story. Cora had her surgery in October and unfortunately passed away 30 hours later. I shared Jamie’s, Executive Director of Gateway, video on November 15th to my Facebook page when she announced the passing of Cora and the details of the Petco Foundations Holiday Wishes People’s Choice Award. I UGLY cried that day and my heart plummeted as visions of Jackie’s passing flashed before me.
Today’s video and the award that was received is a separate award from the People’s Choice Award. During the video you will get to hear Eliza tell a bit of her story with Cora and it is a tear-jerker. I am a strong believer that Heart Mama’s stick together. There is an understanding and a strong connection that forms the moment you realize that they too have or had a heart baby. I embrace Eliza for not only her own heart story but also for Cora’s.
In my eyes you are a Heart Mama and I send you all my love. I feel your pain and want you to know that you are not alone. Continue sharing your story and continue sharing Cora’s because you both have a lot more love to offer this world.
You all can watch the live feed from Gateway’s Facebook page. The link is below and the video was posted today around 10am but I strongly suggest you have tissues in hand.
We love you Jackie!
#ourjackofhearts #thisoneisforJackie #angelmommy