Our Jack of Hearts on Facebook

Jackie’s 1st Birthday is next week! I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed us. But here we are days away from his day of birth and with that in mind it is time to share one to the celebrations we will be partaking in. Make sure you have read my blog titled “Hearts” posted on October 26th to fully understand the momentum behind this idea.

My sister-in-law and myself have spoken about this idea for months. If you recall after our friends and family had hosted our Jack of Hearts fundraiser I had mentioned that I wanted to possibly create our very own Foundation in honor of Jackie. Now…don’t get too excited or ahead of me…this will be just the beginning. A small beginning but something that I hope will become something much much larger. And if it stays small…that is okay too…because it is always the thought that counts!

So here goes…after long discussions…and hours of mauling over what to do and how to do it.

Drumroll please…

I am excited to announce the launch of the official Our Jack of Hearts Facebook page!!! The official launch date will take place on Jackie’s Birthday December 21st! So what is it? What do you do with this page? What will you find there?

Here is the idea…On Jackie’s Birthday, December 21st, our family will take part in a ceremony/celebration called, “The Painting of Hearts on Rocks”…we probably need to work on the name but you get the idea. My sister-in-law and I have gone far and wide to collect the perfect rocks to paint. As a family we will paint beautiful hearts on these rocks along with the link for the Facebook landing page for Our Jack of Hearts. Once the rocks are ready we will be delivering these rocks to random locations. The hope is that individuals such as yourselves will find these rocks, experience a reaction to the heart, see that there is a landing page for this found rock and head to Our Jack of Hearts on Facebook.

Once they or even you have made it to the Our Jack of Hearts Facebook page you will find Jackie’s story, a link to my blog along with a request that you share your “Heart Story.” Where did you find the Heart Rock? How did it make you feel? Hopefully you took a picture of or with your Heart Rock and you can share that as well! This page will not only be a landing page for the Heart Rocks but also a place to share your other Hearts that you have found and would like to share! That way they are not just shared on my private Facebook page with just close family and friends.

Our hope is that this will be just the beginning. That these hearts will bring us all closer together…embracing these tiny messages…embracing the togetherness. Embracing whether these hearts make you think of someone else or they bring joy to you. Bringing us all together and giving us a space to share the love and joy that these hearts bring to us all.

Please feel free to join with us! Paint your own rocks and place them in random places as well, please feel free to share that you are taking part in our “The Painting of Hearts on Rocks” celebration on the Facebook page, please feel free to share your own stories, your own paths…This page doesn’t just have to be about Hearts on Rocks…but that is exactly how it is going to start.

Jackie sends me beautiful hearts whether directly or indirectly…and it is not just about how they make me feel…it is about all of us. Let us all share in the love, the joy, and the togetherness that this new journey can create. I am excited to see where this journey will take us.

We love you Jackie!
