I know I have been silent for a while now and all I really can really say is that I was in need of a break. As therapeutic as it is for me to write it sometimes is a double-edged sword, causing me to dwell in a place of sorrow. After meeting with Dr. Cooper and beginning our fertility journey I began what I can only really call an emotional journey. The easiest way for me to explain this is just to say that I was emotional knowing that my period was coming in March because we were not “trying”. It was mentally exhausting for me. We had spent months after months working toward a goal and then all of a sudden switched gears. I was in a weird place to say the least. When Aunt Flo arrived on March 12th a sense of peace came with it. I was finally able to wrap my mind and emotions around the fact that we were taking the time we needed to have the best possible chance to conceive. A few months was really only a drop in the bucket compared to the years we have spent working toward our goal. Believe me…trying to conceive is work. Everything after my period lined up in a beautiful way. Our timeline of events, looking back, seem to be thought out and placed in the perfect order. However, none of it was actually planned…at least by me.
As instructed by Vios I contacted the office as soon as my period arrived to set up a time and date for my Saline Ultrasound. My window of availability was narrowed because Jack and I were scheduled to go on vacation from March 20-April 1st. Unfortunately, at the time of the phone call, Dr. Cooper was not available to see me Monday the 19th before we left and I opted to take birth control during our vacation in order to see Dr. Cooper on April 2nd for my Saline Ultrasound. By taking birth control it allows your uterus to stay at rest for the test. I was also scheduled to have my blood drawn once more during that appointment to check my vitamin d levels after taking my prescription.
During this same phone call which took place on March 14th our nurse was able to discuss my results from my extensive genetic carrier screening. The test ultimately came back negative which is music to our ears! There was just one small concern regarding SMA, Spinal muscular atrophy. SMA is a disease that robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe. It is the number one genetic cause of death for infants (information found online). The reason SMA is a small concern is because my test came back showing that I only have two copies of this gene and one could sit on one chromosome and one on the other…which would be great! However they both could be sitting on one and zero on the other and this is where the small concern comes from. Now keep in mind that in order for our next kiddo to be affected by this Jack would also have to be a carrier in which zero copies were also passed from him to our kiddo. Currently where we stand, without having Jack tested, our odds are 1 in 681. I forwarded a copy of my test to our genetic counselor with Cardinal Glennon and also reached out directly to Dr. Cooper for her professional opinion.
Jack and I boarded a plane on March 20th for Orlando Florida with our pills and emotional baggage excited for some good old fashion sun therapy. It was just what the doctor ordered and I went to my Saline Ultrasound appointment yesterday well rested and nicely tanned.
At my appointment yesterday, I was instructed first to give a urine sample. I then waited anxiously in the waiting room pleasantly distracted watching Fixer Upper. To better describe this test that I had done I will be using information from Vios handouts.
Saline Sonohysterogram, SHG, is a diagnostic ultrasound used to detect any abnormal structures on the inside of your uterus (uterine cavity) and can give some insight into blockages of your Fallopian tubes. Our physician performs the SHG vaginally by injecting a small amount of sterile saline solution through the cervix into your uterine cavity with a catheter. Your cavity then expands so abnormal structures that may interfere with pregnancy or cause irregular bleeding, such as polyps, may be visualized. A spill of the saline solution may also be seen from your fallopian tubes, confirming they are open and unobstructed. This test is generally done in the first half of your menstrual cycle after bleeding has stopped and before ovulation has occurred, or at any other time while on birth control pills or as advised by your doctor.
I am happy to report that my uterine cavity is free of obstructions and that my fallopian tubes are open. My right fallopian tube was visibly clear however my left seemed to be a bit slow, possibly shadowed by the ultrasound, but nothing that was a huge concern for Dr. Cooper. I also had my Antral Follicle Count (AFC) Ultrasound performed once more. For a refresher this is performed to count the number of primordial (resting) follicles in your ovaries which is indicative of the total number of primordial follicles in your ovaries. The ultrasonographer performs a transvaginal ultrasound to count the number of 2-9mm diameter astral follicles in your ovaries. There is an ideal range for the number (sum of both ovaries) of antral follicles based on your age. A high count may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hyper stimulation to medication. A low count may indicate a diminished ovarian reserve. My follicle count is sitting at the high end putting me borderline for ovarian dysfunction. Basically what this means is that my eggs are stubborn and they do not listen to my brain.
Dr. Cooper and I also discussed my genetic carrier results and both agreed that we will move forward without having Jack tested. The odds of having a kiddo with SMA are extremely low and similar to the odds of our next kiddo being born with Jackie’s random mutation.
Dr. Cooper asked where Jack and I were on our path and I let her know that we were ready if she was ready and that we were wanting to follow her lead. She looked at me and said she was ready and she thinks we are too!
So here we go!
We love you Bear, Jackie, and Peanut!
#ourjackofhearts @angelmommy #ourkidsarewatching