Beginnings are similar to a sunrise for me. It’s the day followed by the night. Open and close. There is beginning and then there is of course an end and everything in-between. Beginnings always start with such great hope and positivity but it is the bits in-between that lead to the change in emotions you will feel. I personally love beginnings. Beginning a new project, planting new plants and flowers, adopting a pet, falling in love, and making the choice to begin your family. You dream big…there is no limit to how great this beginning will end.
Yesterday signified a beginning for us two years ago. It was the day in which we found out we were pregnant with Jackie. It was a glorious day filled with hope, joy, and nervousness. I had already suffered one miscarriage at that time and I wasn’t sure what to expect for this next pregnancy. It seems only natural for my husband and I to choose May 1st to begin another new adventure this year. We have been talking about backyard chickens and a garden since we got married. The garden adventure began last year right after Mother’s Day and now we have our chickens! This idea of starting a new beginning on a day in which makes us a little sad just seems to be emotionally beneficial to both of us. It just makes the day a little easier on us and gives us another anniversary…another milestone to think of on those days.
We love you Bear, Jackie, and Peanut!
#MayWeAllHeal #MWAH2018 #shareyourstory #ourjackofhearts #angelmommy #ourkidsarewatching