I went in for my baseline ultrasound and blood work Monday April 9th to confirm if we could begin our IUI treatment cycle. My nervousness that I had regarding my period arriving and wondering if we would begin right away was confirmed instead. The ultrasound tech told me that my uterine lining looked thinned and exactly how it should for treatment, she then stated that I had one follicle that was measuring at 13mm. She was unsure if this follicle was residual or an early recruiter. She told me that my blood test would tell Dr. Cooper whether we could proceed with our treatment cycle or not. If the follicle was in fact residual that meant that it had started to grow during the time I was on the birth control and it wasn’t able to fully mature during that short amount of time. If the follicle was an early recruit it means it began growing after the start of my period and wouldn’t be producing estrogen. The clinic would be checking my estrogen levels to confirm which type of follicle this was.
I received my phone call from my nurse that same afternoon. The follicle was residual, a cyst as she referred to it. My estrogen levels were too high to proceed with our IUI treatment cycle. I was instructed to begin taking my birth control once more for two weeks. April 9th-April 23rd. I have a diagnostic ultrasound and blood work appointment scheduled for April 23rd to confirm that the cyst has shrunk.
We love you Bear, Jackie, and Peanut!
#ourjackofhearts #angelmommy #IUI #cystat13