May 17th…2WW

Yesterday I actually took the time to look up the side effects of taking progesterone. I just had a feeling that it was the hormone responsible for so many of the ‘normal’ pregnancy systems I am used to feeling and have been feeling the last few days. Low and behold…


Endometrin (Progesterone) side effects include:

Mild nausea, vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps

diarrhea, constipation, bloating

dizziness, drowsiness, tired feeling

pain in your vaginal or rectal area

breast pain, swelling, or tenderness

joint or muscle pain


This is going to be an extremely long and tough two-week wait. Where I could normally state for certainty I am pregnant…I now have to say that it could just be the vagina pill. We just have to wait. We have to wait the full two weeks. We have to wait until May 24th when we see Dr. Cooper. We just have to remain calm, positive, and just trust that it’s our time. It’s our time to be pregnant, it’s our time to have a healthy pregnancy, healthy delivery, and healthy baby or babies. I just feel it in my gut…I just feel like this is it. But as I said before I have to remain realistic. I have to remind myself that there was only a 20% chance. I have to remain grounded incase the opposite is true…just incase I am wrong and this is not our time. I don’t know what the 24th will bring us…I don’t know our fate. But oh how I hope!

One week down…one week to go.

We love you Bear, Jackie, and Peanut!

#ourjackofhearts #angelmommy #IUI #ourkidsarewatching