January 23rd 2019

This morning I awoke and looked down at my oversized, overstretched, very fuzzy belly that is, at this time, our Lizzy girl’s home. I rubbed…

December 3

Two years ago we were enjoying our baby shower for our son. It was such a wonderful day. Opening beautiful gifts that were picked out…

Pregnancy-Brain Writers Block? 

Sorry for the silence all. If there is such a thing as Pregnancy-Brain Writers Block…I am feeling it. As I mentioned in my last post I…

More Highs and Lows

I have been struggling to find the words lately. Not that I haven’t been feeling or thinking…just struggling to sit down and put down on…

Jack’s Dreams

Jack recently shared with me that he has been dreaming of our sweet Lizzy. She has dark brown hair and olive skin. In one of…


August 16 Last night I had to face my nightmares. I woke up a few times in tears throughout the wee hours of the morning.…

The Ups and Downs

August 12 I anxiously await our appointment this week. I have however been a bit calmer than previously and that I can thank Lizzy for.…

July 19th

I was incredibly nervous as we made our drive to St. Mary’s. We would be meeting our potential high risk doctor with SLUCare. As we…

A Stomach Bug

July 13th  This past week has been mentally and physically draining. I ended up with a stomach bug that quickly arrived Tuesday morning. I will…