
This is one of those questions that I have found weighs on many of your minds. I had many family members over the Thanksgiving Holiday…


December is here and though the first few hours of the month were filled with tears I have also experienced a calm within me. I…

Two Hearts

I just pulled myself together after UGLY crying for about a half an hour. I was crying due to a beautiful contribution that was awarded…

Preparing for Christmas

I had spoken recently in my post about Acupuncture that I have a plan! I actually have plans…plural however I will not be sharing all…

The Holidays are Here

There are moments that take place that remind me/us that this journey is not just our, my husband and I’s, journey. Our family and friends…

Momentous Dates

I posted recently on Facebook for my family and friends to read how I was handling Birthdays in the month of November. I have edited…


Not only have we been hit with milestone birthdays of our family members, the Holidays, and we are also nearing the one year mark…One would be…

Moms With Guilt

After my recent blog regarding jealousy, anger, and judgement I have had a few conversations with other Moms…whom after reading my blog reached out regarding…